Trinity S. Thomas

The important thing is this, to be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become.
Charles Du Bos, French Essayist – (From a framed quote I bought in a flea market at age 18.)
I know we already contain the power to dispel any darkness and reveal the light that sets us free. We are the light, we contain all the secret codes already, and we are naturally connected through our hearts to the web, or quantum field, of all life.
I call this our Inner Oracle. This is the source of our Inner Authority, where our ability to tell truth from fiction lives. I mentor my clients in removing the blocks to love, cutting through the static to find the true signals in all the noise, and remembering who they are. It’s a gift. And it’s my passion.
About the Site
This site is a combination of a menu and a treasure map for your own awakening journey. You can start anywhere. It’s all designed to lead you to the same place: Home to your Self.
In addition to my signature systems of Inner Oracle Activation, Soul Advocacy, and Free Your Voice, I’ve been profoundly called to investigate Neurodiversity, remove the stigmas, and showcase the superpowers. The Shero’s Journey is enticing me to new adventures. The feminine principle, in any body or gender, is rising, breaking chains, rewriting the fables of life and love. You’ll hear me have a lot to say about these topics.
See the Services section for specific ways I work with clients and my blog, Shifts and Gifts for my current musings and downloads, some on current events.
Sign up for my Oracle Times Newsletter and Contact Me to craft the perfect path for your own unfolding wholeness, as I show you how to Re-Member Yourself and Remember!
About Trinity

Trinity S. Thomas
I was born ‘a sensitive,’ able to hear and see other dimensions. Now I, along with many others, am considered a new and cutting edge sort of neurodiverse. As a child, I was shamed for my gifts. I’m always exploring how to move from masking differences to putting them to work in art or service. I weave alchemies of pain into meaning, forging paths from apology to superpower.
I chose the term ‘Oracle’ to describe my path, based on the mythic Oracle of Delphi, a lineage of women in Greece who spoke prophecy and guided the western world for thousands of years. They saw and heard things no one else did, and were celebrated for it.
I both researched and remembered the goddess traditions to create my Inner Oracle Activation system. It has a firm foundation in ancient worldwide oracle and shamanic lineages which live in all of us and can be catalyzed. Some say I’m contagious.
After traditional mediumship training, I repurposed those talents to offer a deep listening to my clients’ souls, allowing them to speak directly through me to their humans. This is my Soul Advocacy system.
Sound is channeled light. My “Free Your Voice, Free Your Planet” vocal sound healing coaching employs vocal sound and Light Language to access the inner magnified light and power in individuals. This inner power is waiting to be freed and ready to create a delivery system. Which changes everything.
The Inner Oracle Activation, Soul Advocacy, and Free Your Voice coaching systems support individuals in truly knowing and remembering themselves as they make sense of their journey and reach higher octaves of their potential.